Since 1911 Shelby High has played over a hundred different teams, most in North Carolina, some in South Carolina; a few Junior College Football Teams, and also N.C. State's Freshman Team.
2013 A.C. Reynolds (6-3-0)
1989 A.L. Brown (Kannapolis) (0-3-0)
1944 Albemarle (0-1-0)
1970 Alexander Central (2-0-0)
2005 Ashbrook (5-3-0)
2018 Ashe County (1-0-0)
1913 Asheville (5-3-0)
1930 Asheville Christian School (0-1-0)
1997 Bandys (5-2-0)
1927 Belmont Abbey Junior College (2-1-0)
1936 Bessemer City (11-1-0)
1923 Blue Ridge Prep. (0-1-0)
1925 Boiling Springs High School (2-0-0)
1926 Boiling Springs Junior College (0-1-0)
1965 Brevard (9-2-1)
1988 Burlington Cummings (1-3-0)
1987 Burlington Williams (1-0-0)
2001 Bunker Hill (6-0-0)
1968 Burns (39-19-0)
2014 Carver (2-0-0)
1922 Charlotte (2-9-0)
1911 Charlotte Bairds (2-1-0)
1940 Charlotte Tech (0-2-0)
1959 Chase (55-0-1)
1928 Cherryville (36-10-5)
1922 Chester S.C. (2-0-0)
1933 Cliffside (3-1-1)
1997 Clinton (1-1-0)
1925 Clover S.C. (1-0-0)
1987 Clyde Erwin (1-0-0)
1947 Concord (0-1-0)
1921 Cowpens, S.C. (1-0-0)
1968 Crest (30-24-1)
1921 Davidson (0-1-0)
2013 Draughn (4-0-0)
2013 East Burke (4-0-0)
1973 East Gaston (19-1-0)
1989 East Henderson (2-0-0)
1993 East Lincoln (2-0-0)
1967 East Meck (0-1-0)
1969 East Rowan (0-1-0)
1928 East Rutherford (*Forest City) (71-21-1)
2021 East Surry (1-0-0)
1995 Enka (1-0-0)
1986 Forest Hills (4-1-0)
2016 Franklin (1-0-0)
1926 Freedom (*Morganton) (32-20-0)
1921 Gaffney S.C. (7-11-2)
1914 Garinger (*Charlotte) (3-11-0)
1912 Gastonia Ashley (*Gastonia) (11-16-2)
1986 Havelock (1-0-0)
1930 Hendersonville (2-2-0)
1997 Hibriten (3-1-0)
1924 Hickory (15-18-1)
1912 Hickory Grove S.C. (1-1-0)
1993 High Point Andrews (0-3-0)
1995 High Point Central (2-1-0)
2021 Highland Tech (3-0-0)
1969 Hudson (2-0-0)
1965 Hunter Huss (15-11-3)
1923 Kings Mountain (75-21-7)
2015 Kinston (1-0-0)
2016 Jacksonville - Northside (1-0-0)
1926 Lattimore (1-0-0)
2001 Ledford (1-0-0)
1976 Lexington (3-0-0)
1921 Lincolnton (49-16-4)
1915 Linwood College (1-0-0)
1929 Lowell (4-1-0)
2012 Madison (0-1-0)
1997 Maiden (5-0-0)
1940 Marion (11-7-2)
1922 Mars Hill Junior College (1-0-0)
2002 Mitchell County (1-0-0)
1921 Monroe (2-3-2)
1972 Mooresville (1-0-0)
1932 Mount Airy (0-1-0)
1924 Mount Holly (2-2-0)
2001 Mount Pleasant (7-0-0)
2013 Mountain Heritage (1-0-0)
1922 N.C. State Freshman Team (0-2-0)
1935 N.C. School of the Deaf (5-2-0)
1911 Newton-Conover (Newton) (15-7-1)
1999 Northwood (1-0-0)
1975 North Davidson (1-0-1)
1973 North Gaston (23-1-0)
1983 North Iredell (2-0-0)
2005 North Lincoln (2-0-0)
2005 North Meck (2-0-0)
2000 North Rowan (1-1-0)
2016 North Surry (1-0-0)
2003 North Wilkes (2-0-0)
2023 Olympic (1-0-0)
1985 Owen (7-0-0)
2009 Patton (4-0-0)
1911 Piedmont (3-1-0)
1989 Pisgah (3-1-0)
2012 Polk County (4-0-0)
1931 R-S Central (60-6-4)
2005 Reidsville (4-2-0)
1987 Roberson (1-0-0)
1912 Rock Hill S.C. (1-2-0)
1922 Rockingham (1-2-0)
1970 Salisbury (3-3-0)
1991 South Iredell (0-1-0)
1951 South Point (*Belmont) (42-18-0)
2017 South Pointe S.C. (0-2-0)
2003 South Robeson (2-0-0)
1983 South Rowan (0-1-0)
2006 Southern Vance (1-0-0)
2004 Southwest Onslow (1-1-0)
1923 Spartanburg S.C. (1-0-0)
1923 Spencer (2-0-0)
1988 St. Stevens (1-0-0)
1988 Statesville (1-0-0)
1998 Tarboro (1-0-0)
1995 T.C. Roberson (2-0-0)
2021 Thomas Jefferson (3-0-0)
1968 Thomasville (1-0-0)
2014 Trinity (1-0-0)
1983 Tuscola (1-0-0)
1998 Union Pines (1-0-0)
2020 Walkertown (1-0-0)
2021 Wallace-Rose Hill (1-0-0)
2007 Watauga (4-0-0)
1928 Waynesville (1-0-0)
1924 West Caldwell (Lenoir) (21-14-1)
2006 West Henderson (2-0-0)
2019 West Iredell (1-0-0)
1997 West Lincoln (12-0-0)
2007 West Stokes (1-1-0)
2015 West Wilkes (1-0-0)
1911 Westminster (0-3-2)
2003 Whiteville (1-0-0)
1963 Wilkes Center (0-0-1)
2010 Wilkes Central (1-0-0)
1921 Winston-Salem (0-1-0)
*Teams are listed with the current name of the school; previous names are show in parentheses.
ex: (1928) East Rutherford (Forest City) (71-21-1)
Some of the information listed is more than a century old and could have been miscalculated over the years, some of the records may not be exact, if you have any corrections, please contact me.